ATTENTION: Concerned Americans

Former Insiders' 2024 Crisis Analysis

While most Americans remain unaware of the rising potential for civil unrest and constitutional turmoil surrounding the 2024 election, a group of former government insiders and political operatives have been carefully monitoring the warning signs.


Watch Porter Stansberry’s ‘Breaking Point 2024 Emergency Broadcast’ where he’ll show you how to prepare for, and profit from, the financial election shock that’s coming when the polls close.


Leveraging decades of experience at the highest levels of Washington D.C. and crisis experience, these retired officials and analysts have utilized their connections to quietly probe the thinking of senior military personnel, ex-presidential advisors, former Congressional leaders and more.

What they've uncovered after years of investigation has led them to conclude that a contested or volatile 2024 election could indeed catalyze a forestalling of the peaceful transition of power and a potential outbreak of violence exceeding anything seen since the 1860s.

Their predictive assessment is founded on disturbing data points, worst-case scenarios modeled by institutions like the Transition Integrity Project, and market signals being overlooked by the masses. This has driven them to speak out and share their non-partisan guidance on how to prepare at this pivotal moment in the American experiment.

Members of this group have backgrounds including:

• Former White House Chiefs of Staff and advisors to past presidents
• Retired 4-star military generals who dealt with international crisis response
• Economic policy experts who consulted for the Federal Reserve and Wall Street giants
• Cybersecurity professionals who investigated foreign election interference

By pooling their frontline insights and deep analytical resources, they've crafted a comprehensive free report on the 2024 preparedness steps all Americans should be taking regardless of political affiliation.

The report will provide specific, non-partisan recommendations on:

• Securing wealth and investments against potential market crashes
• Stockpiling essential supplies and provisions
• Enhancing home security and family contingency planning
• Accessing neutral information sources and avoiding propaganda
• De-escalating tensions within your community

Martial law. Violence and looting. Antifa and other radical groups mobilizing the crazies to spread disorder and panic…

A swift 50% market decline… destruction of the dollar…

… All in the wake of the 2024 election. What is the REAL possibility?

Click here now to find out.

With just months until the first primaries and caucuses, the window to get prepared is rapidly closing according to this esteemed group. Their analysis pulls no punches in forecasting the difficulties that may lie ahead.

Those interested in receiving their urgent report on defending democracy, assets and families through potential mayhem can access it here completely free of charge.

For those unwilling to blindly assume American democracy will persevere unscathed, the opportunity to evaluate this no-holds-barred prediction merits serious consideration.

did this article make sense? If so...


In 2016, even though surveys were giving Hillary Clinton more than 99% chance of winning right up until election night…
Former advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House Jim Rickards predicted Trump’s win.
You won’t believe what he’s predicting now.
Click here to see it because it’s a SHOCKER…
And it could have huge implications for the financial markets.


When the Government Releases Certain Data, Either Good or Bad...You Can Target Up to +383% Overnight

(See the Proof!) New Trade Goes LIVE THIS TUESDAY at 2 pm



Something unprecedented is happening in the financial markets, and it's happening fast. Three of the world's most successful investment firms just moved a staggering $78.65 billion to safer positions - and they're doing it weeks before the election. READ MORE >>


While regular investors watch the public markets, something alarming is happening behind the scenes. Wall Street's biggest players are using private trading venues - called dark pools - to move money at record levels.



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