There's only one answer to that question.

Especially when it comes from one of Trump's longest-serving advisors.

This was well before Trump won the election... well before it was certain he could even win... well before every imaginable swamp creature started hanging around looking for some political sinecure...

Trump Stocks

...and long before establishment, anti-Trumpers like Justin Trudeau were forced to kneel and kiss the ring.

I was invited to Mar-a-Lago to work with Trump's advisor on a plan to help investors capitalize on his election.

We're both in our 50s and we've seen enough of politics and finance to know the best way to help Trump get elected was to broadcast all the benefits of a Trump Presidency as far and wide as possible.

Not by giving handouts. Trump's plans to cut government excess and get rid of crony capitalism were already in place.

We were there to figure out how cutting regulations and getting rid of government-propped-up zombie businesses could unleash real American capitalism... and enrich a lot of Americans in the process.

I spent most of the afternoon and worked well into the evening with this Trump insider.

My wife then joined us for dinner in Mar-a-Lago's stadium-like outdoor dining room – and the whole place cheered as Trump's plane flew directly over the estate just before dark.

The next morning we met briefly with Trump. I assured the President that we had a great plan and that we would do our part to Make America Great Again.

Now, I'm finally ready to tell you everything we've been planning, and there couldn't be a more urgent time for you to see this

If you don't know me, my name is Porter Stansberry.

I'm the founder of MarketWise, the world's largest financial research firm of its kind, and Porter & Co., a new boutique investment research company.

For the last 30 years, my partners and I have been amongst the most prescient financial commentators in the world.

We've predicted almost every major economic move since the late '90s, guiding our readers through everything from the dot-com boom and bust to the COVID-19 pandemic.

And now Trump has won, I believe what we're about to see could be an economic explosion the likes of which our country hasn't seen since the American industrial revolution, and I'm not the only one saying that.

The Chief Investment Strategist for Sanctuary Wealth says a new "golden age of investing" is dawning... Naval Ravikant, the legendary angel investor, predicts an "economic sonic boom"... and Mark Zuckerberg calls it a "national renewal."

For those who know what to buy ahead of this revival could be looking at one of the greatest wealth-building opportunities of the last several decades... and I don't want you to be left behind.

In fact, I believe if you position yourself in the investments I name today – before Trump's inauguration on January 20 – you could potentially make more money over the next four years than you ever imagined possible.

That might seem crazy... but just consider what happened the last time the U.S. found itself in a similar situation:

After the disastrous tenure of President Jimmy Carter – with inflation running in the double-digits, foreign wars erupting around the world, and deep economic malaise at home...

Ronald Reagan was elected President in a landslide rebuttal of the Democratic Party with a mandate to revive America.

Using lessons learned from the famed Chicago Boys in Chile, Reagan dragged us away from the socialist abyss with trade tariffs, tax cuts, and the privatization of federal enterprises.

And it was the desperately needed return of these free-market ideals that triggered an economic resurrection that went on to deliver some of history's most staggering financial returns.

39,343% on MDU Resources... 24,562% on McDonald's... 24,436% on Nike... 10,391% on Hormel Foods... the list goes on and on but I believe under Trump's second term we could potentially see even greater long-term returns.

Especially for the 10 investments I name here.

You see, this economic revival won't merely be a re-industrialization of America.

No. It's far more consequential than that. As I explain in my new exposé, it's about a complete, wholesale transformation of our nation's operating system... a true revival in the most literal sense of the word.

And, I'm going to show you 10 investments that no one knows about yet that I believe could be prime beneficiaries of this massive wealth boom.

I'm not talking about Tesla, Palantir, or anything else you've heard parroted by the mainstream financial press. No. These are Trump's Secret Stocks.

The investments connected to Trump's second term in ways that almost nobody outside his inner circle is aware of... yet have the potential to deliver colossal returns over the next four years.

It's all waiting for you here.

Good investing,

Porter Stansberry